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Oriental Medicine Healing in Sitka, AK 

At Acupuncture & Oriental Medicine, the guiding philosophy is a truly holistic approach to healing—connecting and balancing body, mind, and spirit for wellness and recovery. Our clinic has been treating clients for over 25 years. We apply our vast knowledge of Oriental Medicine—with its profound, subtle energy assessing and balancing techniques—to the unique needs of each individual. The comfortable, energy balanced environment of the clinic facilitates this path to wellness. The clinic is located in Sitka, Alaska, and welcomes all who seek the measureless benefits of this complimentary medicine steeped in the wise traditions of East Asia.

Acupuncture for Your Needs 

Your initial appointment involves a detailed assessment of your health history and current health concerns. This includes questions based on basic functioning and lifestyle factors such as digestion, sleep, aches and pains, emotional state, diet, exercise, etc. 

Oriental diagnostics are done at every treatment appointment to asses the status of your Qi and well-being: tongue diagnosis, pulse diagnosis, Japanese abdominal diagnosis. We are always looking for the underlying imbalances that contribute to the symptoms or problems you experience. The insertion of acupuncture needles at specific points on the energy channels (also called meridians) of the body is designed to rectify imbalances and restore smooth and harmonious Qi flow, which equals health and wellness.

Acupuncture: What to Expect

The experience of an acupuncture treatment is one of deep relaxation. Many people fall asleep during their treatments. This relaxation and stress relief usually persists for some time after a treatment. The deep Qi balancing also results in decreased physical pain and increased mobility for musculoskeletal problems.

Acupuncture: How It’s Done 

We primarily do a form of acupuncture developed in Japan called "Japanese Meridian therapy." This is an extremely gentle type of acupuncture using exceptionally fine needles. All our needles are pre-sterilized and disposable. Needles are usually retained for 20 minutes, first on the front and then the back of the body.

Acupuncture treatment

Other Oriental Medicine Techniques

Other Oriental Medicine therapies used in this clinic include: moxibustion (herbal heat application), cupping, gwa sha (suction cups or gentle scraping), auricular (ear) acupuncture or ear press spheres, "ion Pumping Cords", Shonishin (a Japanese technique working gently on the skin without insertion of needles), and "Esoteric Acupuncture" for resonating at higher vibration levels.


Acupuncture (Gentle Japanese Meridian Therapy)
Acupressure (Shonishin)
Subtle Energy Balancing
Pain Management
Stress Relief
Chinese Herbal Food Supplements
Whole Food Nutritional Supplements

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Schedule Your Appointment Today

Acupuncture & Oriental Medicine is dedicated to advancing your path of wellness. We utilize the ancient Oriental Medicine healing arts and apply them to your modern ailments for a comprehensive restoration and balancing of mind and body. Call us in Sitka, AK, to schedule an appointment and discuss your concerns. We speak with every prospective patient by phone to assess whether our therapies and approach are right for you and if we think we can help.



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